(Utdrag, ukjent forfatter)
(Utdrag, ukjent forfatter)
Christmas is a place called home...
A door thrown open wide
A crackling fire all aglow
And loving hearts inside
It's happy faces, shining eyes
Soft music in the air
It's tissue, ribbon, cards to write
And secrets everywhere
A door thrown open wide
A crackling fire all aglow
And loving hearts inside
It's happy faces, shining eyes
Soft music in the air
It's tissue, ribbon, cards to write
And secrets everywhere
Christmas is a time of love
A time of joy and cheer
Christmas is a peaceful time
That wondrous time of year
A time of faith, a time of hope
Of friendships much more true
Christmas is a joyous time
When love shall come to you
A time of joy and cheer
Christmas is a peaceful time
That wondrous time of year
A time of faith, a time of hope
Of friendships much more true
Christmas is a joyous time
When love shall come to you
Jeg er humanist, men gleder meg stort over alle de flotte julesangene! Denne sangen vil jeg dele med dere.
Jeg synes Rein Alexander er et naturtalent av de helt store, og denne sangen fremfører han så jeg får gåsehud og frysninger på ryggen! Den er bare SÅ nydelig!!!!
Jeg ønsker dere alle en riktig god jul !